Friday, July 13, 2012

Are we heading in the same direction?

The Greek philosopher Herakleitos once wrote that nothing is permanent except change.  The human psyche is always in a process of change. I would argue that learning and development is also in a process of change.

Recently I attended an L&D conference.  I was professionally excited about this event as it was an opportunity to gather and share ideas and L&D modalities and to gaze into the future of L&D.  Some of the lectures were innovative, exciting and thought provoking and others left me feeling underwhelmed.

In a conversation with a colleague I reflected that our organisation was moving with the times.  I added that, our current position was if we were standing on the bridge of the Starship Enterprise”.  That we had built the rocket; launched it and now were seeking brave new worlds to explore.

During this event I realised that we as a group had to look to the future.  As L&D professionals we must grow; transform or otherwise we will die (cease to exist).  Our profession is changing. Sure we are constantly building our professional expertise with qualifications and accreditations – is this enough?  Should we consider transforming our profession or perhaps merging with another?  My curious mind has brought me this far now I am willing to step into the transporter and explore new and exciting planets.

I am reminded of a quote by Anthony J. D’Angelo, Become a student of change. It is the only thing that will remain constant.

Star date log: 14 Jul. 12
Over and Out,

Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Beginning..

My curious nature has driven me to undertake the search for the future of learning and development.  I am currently working in an innovative and dynamic learning environment.  This environment is comfortable and supportive and roles are clearly defined.  

What about five years from now?  Where will we be in L&D?  Perhaps we can discover the future of learning and development together? 

Don't adjust your dial - just stay tuned!
